Hope Writers

The gap between writing and publishing can make you feel crazy. Hope*Writers helps writers balance the art of writing and the business of publishing without feeling lost, discouraged, or overwhelmed.

Below you can read my writings from my Hope Writers Challenges.

[ H O P E * W R I T E R • D A Y ]

It’s taken time to arrive at this place. This place where I can confidently say that my words matter…

[ H O P E ]

A word often used flippantly. Sometimes even seen as futile. I think we’ve all seen or experienced having it and feeling the lack of it…

[ E X P L O R E ]


Explore Me.

Explore this wild world I’ve placed under your feet and right at your doorstep.

[ I N T E N T I O N ]

Her name is Intentionality.

She sets alarms and builds in 1 snooze, quiet time + coffee, getting dressed, and getting to work on time without rushing. She is never late, but if something comes up, contacts to give warning…

[ Q U I E T ]

What if we could hear the wings of a butterfly

Or the chatter of the bees

What if pollinators whistle while they work …

[ P U R P O S E ]

/ˈpərpəs/ • noun: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.